February 2025 Client Appreciation Month

Last year was Mold Sugar’s best financial year thanks to clients that have supported the business for 14 years. Many clients ask me what services are the most popular. In 2024, half of sales were in the Category “Private Parts”, and half of the Services I did year-round were Female Brazilians (male Brazilians were 10% of the business). I am incredibly grateful to clients who continuously trust me on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis to remove unwanted hair as well as maintain healthy skin. Hair removal is not an easy process to put yourself through and it can also feel tiresome constantly worrying about finding the time and making an appointment to get your hair maintained.   Thank you for continuing your journey of hair removal and maintenance, which in turn supports my business. 

In appreciation of my clients, this February I will be giving an exfoliating mitt when a service of $40.00 or more is purchased. This exfoliating mitt can be used all over the face and body, and is great to use every day to remove dead skin sitting on top of the live skin. It’s important to remove dead skin so pores don’t get clogged and suffocate the skin from breathing so hair is unable to grow up and out of the skin. When hair cannot grow up and out of the skin, it can cause in-growns that may become painful and cause a person to pick at them which in turn can cause infection and scarring.

Have you ever noticed little red bumps on your body after shaving or waxing? This may happen right after you remove or maintain your hair or two weeks later. The little red bumps are caused by hairs trying to break through the keratin, which is on the top layer of the skin. This keratin is a combination of  dead skin and protein that must be removed physically or with a chemical such as glycolic acid product. The way you soften this skin is by applying a water based moisturizer as much as possible, whether that is daily or three times a week. Love yourself on Valentine's Day by scrubbing your body to exfoliate the dead skin off and then moisturize the skin to support the exfoliation process. Exfoliating and moisturizing the skin is how you create smooth, healthy skin.

Our skin is made up of many layers inside and on the outside of the body. The dead skin that you see is the top layer and it protects us from things like rain and wind. There is also skin that protects our organs from falls and heat or cold. The top layer of skin was once the bottom brand new skin. Skin overall starts below the surface in the hypodermis layer and sheds up to the top layer of the skin. Remember by the time we see our outer layer of skin, it is the protective layer that is dead skin. Think of the skin process starting fresh, to living then to shedding as an elevator starting from the bottom layer of skin and going up to the top layer of skin. Exfoliating and moisturizing is the way we can help our skin shed. 

Sugar hair removal lightly removes dead skin during the sugaring service as a form of exfoliation. When a  client is being sugared, the technician can visually see dead skin being removed. One area this is most noticeable is around the butthole. The butthole skin gets stained and most people have no idea that the skin actually gets stained from processing stuff. When I sugar someone's anus the dead stained skin is removed with the hair,  revealing fresh unstained skin. This is a prime example of the importance of skin as a protector, and the importance of removing the skin because it has dirty lingering stuff on top of it. This dirty lingering stuff can be sweat, dirt, or debris that will stick, stain, and irritate the dead skin or the top layer of skin. That is why it is important to remove the dead skin. So the day of your sugaring appointment you do not have to exfoliate because the sugar hair removal process will exfoliate your skin for that day. 

This year, 2025,  I want to share in the joy of hair removal and maintenance with my clients and people who may be interested in a gentler alternative to hair removal. I hope to educate clients more during their sugaring appointments. All hairs are removed at one time when you do consistent sugar hair removal. Humans have three hair growth cycles and monthly sugar visits will  train the hair to grow at one hair growth stage, weakening the hair every month.  Having less hair due to regular visits also means the process of removing the hair hurts less. 

Sugar hair removal promotes peace of mind. Hair can give rise to anxiety and stress people out just because they don’t like it, or it gets sweaty, smelly, holds bacteria, or irritates your skin. Hair can be a barrier to fully connecting with another person. I feel fortunate to have clients that have trusted in me for so many years. Hair removal can make clients vulnerable and I truly appreciate that clients know I will help them remove hair and relieve stress. Face and body hair can be a struggle and I am here to support clients so they learn to love themselves where they are at versus being frustrated with what they have to deal with. Come see me this February, or any time during the year to enjoy the sweeter side of hair removal.