How to Put Your Best Face Forward with Confidence and Ease

In 2024, I am going to shock you by saying hair grows everywhere on the body. For some people, it is more noticeable than desired, especially on the face. 

There are different reasons people remove unwanted facial hair. In my practice, most women DO NOT want  facial hair on their upper lip and chin area, and are very conscious about that hair. They tend to disguise it or maintain it by shaving, which shortens the hair but it does not go away, tweezing, and using technology, such as Epilator or laser hair removal. 

Sugar hair removal is a great alternative to these other techniques. Sugaring weakens the hair follicles and breaks down each hair that tries to regrow. Over my 12 years of waxing and sugaring, I have found less hair growth on the chin and upper lip area brings utmost joy. The client feels clean, smooth, and refreshed. The best way to remove this hair is by staying on a consistent sugaring regimen for at least 12 months. Some clients come every ten days for two months, then every two weeks for two months, and finally, on a monthly basis to maintain a clean face while weakening hair growth. After a year worth of consistent sugaring, clients really feel good about the lack of hair growth and the soft texture of the hairs. 

As a water based product, sugar is molded into the hair follicles and flicked out with the inertia flick of the wrist by the Beautician. It may be really hard to let the hair grow for one day let alone ten, especially for those people who grow a 5 o'clock shadow due to shaving for years. However, I have seen black upper lip hair become blond due to hair weakening because the melanin in the hair is breaking down from being pulled out by the root from sugaring. Sugaring can be an amazing alternative to shaving and other hair removal techniques. When you can't take it anymore, treat yourself to the sweet side of hair removal and shed some hair!

This topic can make some people feel conscious because they may have unwanted hair growth or know someone with unwanted facial hair. For some people this hair can be debilitating and lead to isolation for fear of seeing others or having others noticing their facial hair. Yet, I believe it's important to empower people to find alternative ways to remove hair and bring back their confidence. Please be kind if you see or know someone with unwanted facial hair. Maybe you can share this blog!