Active Ingredients in Skincare

Active Ingredients in skincare are ingredients that help customers solve a skincare concern. Since our body is covered in hair, you are also taking care of your body hair when you take care of your skin. What are common active ingredients, and what do they do? 

Salicylic acid is an ingredient used in skincare to clean the skin and hair follicles. An easy-to-use product is PanOxyl 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant, which you apply to a cotton ball or pad and then rub onto the cleansed skin two days after your sugaring appointment. Continue this process between appointments daily or three times per week. This specific ingredient is antibacterial, lightly removes dead skin, and cleanses the area of impurities such as sweat and bacteria. This product is good for sensitive skin due to the small percentage of salicylic acid. This light active ingredient is used to maintain skin and hair health to prevent in-growns or breakouts. Over-the-counter Salicylic Acid is 2%. If a customer has very bad acne or in-growns, something stronger may be helpful. Many products market to clients that have acne issues on the face. All products used on the face can be used on the body too. Salicylic Acid gently cleanses the skin’s surface and can relieve clients of in-growns just like it relieves clients of mild acne. This product will not work if used inconsistently since it has such a low percentage of the active ingredient. If you need something stronger to use one to three times a week you may want to try a Glycolic Acid. 

Glycolic Acid is a smaller molecule that can get in between cells and help promote a clean, smooth surface. To have the best results, you want to use a medical-grade Glycolic Acid that’s stronger than over-the-counter products purchased in a store. I recommend and sell Dermesse Exfoliating Lotion online and in my shop. This cream-based product is best applied to cleansed skin one to three times a week. This is perfect for clients looking for a product to use on a weekly, but not daily, basis to keep skin clean, smooth, and free of imperfections such as in-grown hairs and bacteria in skin buildup. Glycolic acid removes dead skin, which hinders the hair from growing up and out of your skin. Dermesse Exfoliating Lotion can be used on your face and body. I personally use it on my face, pits, and bits. In the summer, I also use it under my breasts and under my cheeks to prevent the build-up of sweat and dead skin cells. 

To clarify, Salicylic Acid cleans the skin extra gently and medical grade Glycolic Acid is a chemical exfoliant for the skin and hair follicles because it can get deeper into the skin, clean it, remove dead skin and bacteria, and create a clean smooth surface. What about something a little stronger? Uradin Podos Gel product can be used once a week. This product is made for the feet. Again, your feet have skin on it so this can be used in other parts of the body.  This specialized active enzyme product has an active ingredient Bacillus ferment. This fermented enzyme is a chemical and physical exfoliant and an alternative to fruit enzymes. Enzymes are active ingredients used by estheticians, such as Pumpkin Enzyme facial. I was taught in school that enzymes are like Pac-Man eating up all the dirt or protein on the skin. Not all products are the same so what you buy in the store may not be as strong as a professional product used in a spa or if you purchased by an Esthetician. Anything you buy from a professional is specifically designed to help the clients, not to help the public. Also products recommended by a Skincare professional may be different than you see in stores because the professional has more knowledge of skincare and ingredients that serve a specific purpose. Skincare sold to the public will not always work for every skin type. Professional or medical-grade skin care is best used under the guidance and direction of a professional. 

Another active ingredient you can use once a week is a clay-based product. Kiehls Rare Earth Deep Cleansing mask dries the oil on the skin and unclogs pores. This leads to cleaner and tighter skin. 

All the hyperlinks link up to my store or my Amazon affiliate account. I created my online store and Amazon account to support clients who like shopping at their convenience. I also completely understand the desire to look at all sorts of products to have options. All links are directly linked to the Brand Name store. One of my all-time favorite skin care products is ISDIN Body Lotion. This company is based out of Spain. I love this product because of the main ingredient, Urea, which is an active ingredient that both moisturizes and exfoliates. This product is great for everyday use as a lotion that will keep your skin hydrated while sloughing off excess skin that clogs your hair follicles. 

Sugar hair removal exfoliates the skin using sugar. The active ingredient in sugar is sucrose acid. Citric acid, also used in the sugar product, is antibacterial. The mold and flick technique removes unwanted hair. Hair removed monthly with skincare habits done in between sugaring appointments will promote healthy skin and prepare clients for regular sugaring visits and support ease of mind. 

We hope you find the sweet side of skincare to make your sugaring appointments even more beneficial!